
The BDI muster is a two-day professional development event that is free to all BDI team members and alumni.

Day 1: Educator Development – open to all current Cadre, Faculty, and invited future instructors.

Evening of Day 1: Leadership meetings and fellowship time.

Day 2: Clinical Education – Continuing education topics involving medical, trauma, operations, and skills. Guest lecturers and key BDI faculty will make presentations.

When: March 29th & 30th  0800-1700 Both Days

Where: Ballroom at the Bridgewater Place – 333 Bridge St NW Grand Rapids MI 49504 (BDI Corporate Office)

Who: All Current Cadre, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni of the BDI Team

Registration to Launch early in January

Meals provided by strategic partners who will be Announced at a later time.